Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Of thorns, only thorns

27-12-2006 A.D.

If only I knew the scent was a mere illusion
And the bloom was a mistake of perception,
I would not have tried to water the plant
With tears of happiness and hopes infant.
Ephemeral celebrations have plummeted.
The spirits have all died down enervated.
I can see flowers but together in a wreath
Reminiscent of the solemn shroud beneath.
I felt I descried a rose, I thought I saw one.
But there are only thorns and roses none.
As I walk on this path strewn with thorns
The mind refuses to let go of the bygones.
There is no rose, there still stands a grave.
It is immutable though I yearn and crave.

Note: This is a sequel. It will make more sense to read this after reading 'Of roses and graves'. I cannot believe I came up with contrasting feelings using the same elements. Enigmatic emotions are chasing me right now.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Fret, fury and frustration

16-12-2006 A.D.

That moment when something snapped into two,
Something my conscience could not easily undo,
I sensed a turmoil in me just waiting to explode.
Destruction of self was what I could forebode.
Tumbling to the nether side like a pack of cards,
My tenuous patience flubbed to bits and shards.
The barrage of stones flung at the mind's mirror
Reflected, in its broken pieces, unfettered temper
I was the throne to the vile trident and the horns
As he smirked at his victim in the prison of thorns,
Forcing me to do what I hate, loath and detest,
What pushes me down to the nadir from the crest.
Fatefully I freed the monsters from their cage
In an outburst, the monsters - anger and rage.

Note: I started this poem when I was really very angry. Anger makes me lose all my senses and I'm sure it does similar things to everyone. Somehow I could not finish it back then but now it's done.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Of roses and graves

07-12-2006 A.D.

As I looked into them, my mind went blank.
My ship of thoughts, in her eyes it sank.
There I stood facing the icon of pulchritude
Captivated, attracted, trapped and glued.
The spirits were reborn, the fire was rekindled.
Fiery sparks of joy moved about unbridled
Expressing unuttered and hidden emotions,
Marking the beginning of silent celebrations.
Where stood a grave, now stands a flower
Ready to blossom and let the bliss uncover
The vestiges of yesterday's happy memories,
Memories that put the heart at great ease
Now what remains to be seen is whether
More roses bloom or this one will wither.

Note: Hangover. Happy.

Saturday, June 17, 2006


17-06-2006 A.D.

Merry feet manoeuvred by happy terpsichoreans
To the left and to the right, back and forth once.
While elves and fairies shall play mischief to my tune
Not caring about troubles and concerns picayune
Sprightly sylphs shall dance around the night fire
With nothing to worry about, nothing sour and dire.
The wind flows betwixt the branches of the trees
Exhorting them all to participate in the festivities.
We have no time lose in this everlasting carnival.
Come one, two, come all, we await your arrival.
Your melancholy and despair shall come undone.
Revelry starts with the rise but sets not with the sun.
Welcome to my world if I ever were to create one
Where on everday's agenda we have frolic and fun.

Note: I read The Hobbit yesterday. Looks like some soul is back after reading those wonderful verses in the book. No wonder the merrymaking dwarves left an impression.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Notes of life

02-02-2006 A.D.

She calmly hops across, with the bustle in her hold,
Running down the chequered path of lead and gold
Where in tandem the flowers of joy and sorrow bloom,
Drums of victory are played along with pipes of doom.
That is Lady Music, more magical than magic itself.
Sometimes she's an angel, the other times an elf.
When she kisses your lobe to whisper in your ear
Keep walking with her as Elysia draws you near.
Rollick with her in the woods if she does a staccato
Or sway in the swings of heaven praising her legato.
I know not tales of Beethoven neither any Mozart
Who have adorned her with many a cantabile chart.
Nevertheless I'm lured by her, I'm playing my part.
Compelled I am, to fall in love with this lady smart.

Note: M for Music. M for Melodious. M for Mellifluous. M for Mesmerizing. I'll leave the other Ms for you to figure out. A for A Tribute to Music.